Craft beer shop 't Biermenneke

‘t Biermenneke is a craft beer shop in the Netherlands. Whether you come weekly for the latest specials, for your personal favorites or to buy gifts! We are open 7 days a week and are happy to advise you!

't Menneke never stops growing

’t Biermenneke is our Bottle Shop in Nijmegen, a small shop not bigger than 20m². ’t Biermenneke is dialect from Nijmegen meaning something like: The Little Beerboy. Born on the 10th of July 2018, weighing 500 beers at birth. A baby born out of a marriage between passion for Craft Beer and a growing demand for a Bottle Shop in Nijmegen. The passion for Craft Beer originated in the bar nextdoor, where the Craft Beer Menu grew and resulted in a demand for a place where customers could buy the beers that they consumed in the bar.

In 2020 ’t Biermenneke has grown to almost 1100 different beers. The demand grows bigger and isn’t just local anymore. So it’s time that ’t Biermenneke takes his first steps outside of Nijmegen, beginning his very own webshop.

We’re hoping to guide you through the beautiful world of Craft Beer with the same passion and positivity as we have always done.


– Maurice & Hans Huisman